It's time to go......At The......
...with the master of Everything buzz....And Combos lover, Pierre Kelly!
Me: This is @ The Buzzr, your trusted source about Buzzr.
We all know about The Match game Hollywood Squares hour getting new episodes, but one host tells us about his experiences of the whole show. See why once I return.
Is everybody ready to see Sweep return to ABC? Unanimously, it's a yes. We'll have one mroe, but first, let's talk MG-HSH.
It started with this tweet from Dave Holmes.......
All I want to talk about is 1984's MATCH GAME HOLLYWOOD SQUARES HOUR on @BUZZRtv, and @decider let me.— Dave Holmes (@DaveHolmes) February 5, 2020
Jon Bauman, the host of that show responded with this.....
The show was kind of an emergency replacement for a failed soap opera as I remember it. An hour had to be filled so the idea of marrying the two classic game shows was born. The head of game shows at NBC was a Goodson alumnus. Heater/Quigley had sold Squares to Orion TV, but...— Jon “Bowzer” Bauman (@JonBowzerBauman) February 7, 2020
Goodson was going to get the hour because of the NBC connection. Irony was that Goodson had written a scathing letter to Variety in the 60’s complaining that Squares was a small step from the quiz show scandals of the 50’s because of the written jokes. Meaning...— Jon “Bowzer” Bauman (@JonBowzerBauman) February 7, 2020
Civilians weren’t given the answers, but the celebrities were establishing a false standard for wit by reading punch lines to a two-line joke off a page as if they were comic geniuses making them up. Goodson was tough but smart, & honest in this way. He was quite proud...— Jon “Bowzer” Bauman (@JonBowzerBauman) February 7, 2020
Of the clever, honest banter on his panels going back to “What’s My Line” & “Match Game” continued it. He would have produced the old-style Squares over his dead body.— Jon “Bowzer” Bauman (@JonBowzerBauman) February 7, 2020
So the result was every comedian in Hollywood grappling with “Here’s the setup- what’s the punch line?”
Fascinating from a comedy point of view- but really, no one could do it that well. Leno, Arsenio, Howie Mandel- everyone tried & some were better than others. But no one could really do it because the standard set by Paul Lynde reading the punch line off a piece of paper was...— Jon “Bowzer” Bauman (@JonBowzerBauman) February 7, 2020
And there you go.
So, did you see the new episodes of MG-HSH on Buzzr? You get 2 weeks to decide.
That my friends, is it. anything you question or comment goes to me on social media or email and we'll explain. We will see you all @ The.....................