Paula Rhodes: From Periscope Plaza, almost live, where Disney Dreamers are acting in a play based on "The Nightmare Before Christmas," it's @ The Buzzr. Now here he is, the master of everything buzz, and the only intern to ever work for "Shark Tank," Pierre.......KELLY!
Me: Welcome to @ The Buzzr, where you can hear Shira Lazar do a cheesy rendition of the "Jaws" theme......which leads to this subject....
The Highs & Lows.
Come on in, the water is fine....for Card Sharks. Created by Chester Feldman, the basis of it came from the bonus round of this pilot....
King of the, not the cartoon, hosted by GE College Bowl alum Robert Earle. So Chester took the bonus round and retooled it to producers before settling on Goodson-Todman, a company he used to work for. We'll talk amore about it after we return.
We asked you if the 1992 Family Feud Bullseye pilot should've worked for daytime and it was unanimous. Yes answers for 6 people. Now back to Card Sharks.
(song stops)
2 players had a tossup question with 100 people surveyed, and the player in control thought of a number, but the opponent not in control, must guess higher or lower to see what the actual number is and who is in control of 5 cards. Starting with a base card, you have the option to call it or change it once you win the question, and should you get at the end of the board first, you win. Twice and you go to the money cards for $28,800. In 1986, it was $32,000 and a chance at a car. That basically was what Card Sharks is about.
Now we want to know of either Perry or Eubanks/Rafferty, which is your favorite? I left out the Bullard version stinks a whole lot. You have 2 weeks on Facebook to deliberate.
Everybody out of the pool. Thanks for discussing Card Sharks. If there is any questions about the show, or would like to suggest a show or a host, please reach me on Facebook at : Pierre Jason Kelly, or @Johnny_Arcade on Twitter and we'll explain. Until then, it's PK signing off and we'll see you.....@ The.....
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